Fun facts about me.

Flowers and plants:
Because the colors of the Peruvian fabric are dyed with plants and flowers, the colors cannot always be produced on demand. It depends on the season and which plants are growing at that time.
Here are a few examples of the growing period of the plants for each color:

• Blue is only available in February and March.
• Green and red are always available.
• Yellow is only available in June and July.
• Pink is only available during the rainy season (November to April).

How the fabric tells a story:
The symbols on the Peruvian fabrics are telling a story that finds it origin in Inca history. This technique of making fabrics is many years old and the Incas used symbols to communicate certain message to one and another and to other tribes. Every fabric tells its own story and shows other people where the person who’s wearing it is from or what their matrimonial status is.
Like you can see in the video, the frog for example was used to indicate that the rain season was about to start. You could hear the frogs croak and consider this as a ‘warning’. The rainy season was crucial for the Incas because it provided irrigation for their agricultural lands. The Incas heavily relied on agriculture for their food supply, and rain was essential for growing crops such as corn, potatoes, and quinoa. Therefore, the rainy season was not only important for watering their crops but also for the survival of their entire society. So you can imagine how important the warning sound of the frogs was for them…

The Inca civilization had a profound reverence for nature, which they often personified as a mother figure. They worshipped various natural elements, such as mountains, rivers, and the sun, attributing divine qualities to them. Pachamama, or Mother Earth, held a central place in Inca spirituality. She was seen as the provider of fertility, sustenance, and life itself.

The Inca people believed that their well-being was intricately linked to the balance and harmony of the natural world. They conducted rituals and ceremonies to honor and appease the deities associated with nature, seeking their blessings for abundant harvests, protection from disasters, and overall prosperity.  Through their reverence for nature, the Inca civilization demonstrated a deep understanding of ecological principles and the importance of living in harmony with the environment.
for this reason, you will see a lot of animals and other symbols that symbolize mother nature on the fabrics. It represents their relationship and belief in Pachamama.